December 28, 2011

OPI Serena Glam Slam - Pros & Bronze (S74) / Love Is A Racket (S73)

This duo is the most bright, sun kissed colors in Serena Glam Slam series. Both colors are supper shimmery and shinny. Very nice to wear in summer with tan skin color.

這兩色組合是最閃亮、最適合在夏天和古銅色肌膚上使用的Serena Glam Slam系列組合。兩色都很閃亮的佈滿了小亮粉。

Love Is Racket (S73) is reddish hot pink with icy sparkles, the sparkles are not very noticeable when you wear, unless you look up closely. I will recommend apply top coat to make the surface LOOK smoother (it's not uneven or anything, just the sparkles look kind of rough.)

Love Is Racket (S73)是偏紅色的亮粉紅為基底色和璀燦亮片粉,在指甲上除非近看亮片粉並不非常顯眼,我會比較建議擦top coat讓表面看起來比較平滑(並非它並不平或怎樣,只是亮片粉看起來比較粗糙)。

Pros & Bronze (S74) looks like liquid copper, it's a very beautiful color! It has metallic gold and orange shimmers, super high shine on the nails, it has foil effect.

Pros & Bronze (S74)看起來像是液態銅般,非常的漂亮!那金屬般的金色和橘色亮粉讓他在指甲上非常的閃亮,像是金箔般的效果。

I found it's pretty similar to Designer Series' DS Glow(DS036), DS Glow is more in brown side, and Pros & Bronze is more in orange gold side.

我發覺他和設計師系列的DS Glow(DS036)蠻相似的,DS Glow(DS036)比較偏棕色,而Pros & Bronze則比較偏金橘色。

< L: DS Glow /  R : Pros & Bronze > 

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