October 25, 2011

Hello Kitty Nail Art / Hello Kitty指甲彩繪

Everybody loves Hello Kitty...ok, sooooooo many people love Hello Kitty! I totally remember once I did a 3D Hello Kitty for a client, she was so excited and gave me a big hug! Hello Kitty just can cheer every girl up!!
I'm not a big Hello Kitty fan, but sometime still can't withstand her! There is a thing in my mind for a long time: I remember super long time ago, like 20 years, Hello Kitty wore yellow tee, blue gallus trousers, and red bow, and My Melody had pink hat (ears), I always thought Hello Kitty was a BOY! Don't know when it became Hello Kitty always wears pink and My Melody has red hat (ears), and Hello Kitty has a boy friend!! It always confuse me, 'cause I still have lots stickers that I got when I was like 5-6 years old, and they are so different to Hello Kitty and My Melody now! Who can tell my are they really changed or just my stickers are fake!!!!! = ="
Anyway... back to the nail art. Hello Kitty seems very easy to draw, but I found actually she is very difficult to make perfect or even just looks alike! The shape of her face is not easy, and also the most difficult part is the position between her eyes, nose, bow, and the ears. Today we skip her face shape and ears, just pretend whole nail bed is her face, it makes things much easier!

每個人都喜歡Hello Kitty...好吧!超多人喜歡Hello Kitty! 我記得有一次我幫一個客人做了一個3D的Hello Kitty在她指甲上,她超開心的給了我一個大擁抱!Hello Kitty就是可以讓人感到很開心!
我並不是非常喜歡Hello Kitty,但偶爾還是抵擋不了她的魅力!有件事我一直很困惑:我記得超久以前,大概20年前吧?Hello Kitty是穿著黃色的T桖、藍色吊帶褲、和紅色蝴蝶結;My Melody是有粉紅色帽子(耳朵),我小時候一直以為Hello Kitty是男生!不知何時開始,Hello Kitty開始穿粉紅色,而My Melody則開始戴紅色帽子(耳朵),而且Hello Kitty居然還有男朋友了!我到現在還有小時候大概5-6歲得到的一堆貼紙,和現在她們的造型都不一樣!誰能告訴我她們是不是有改變過,還是難道我小時候的貼紙是假的!!?? = ="
回歸正題,Hello Kitty看似很簡單畫,但其實我發覺還蠻困難畫的像!她的臉型不容易,更難的是她五官、蝴蝶結和耳朵彼此之間的位置分配。今天我們跳過她的臉型和耳朵,讓整個指甲當成她的臉,這樣會簡單很多!

I have a Hello Kitty contact lenses case, I don't know who the bear is, maybe her friend? (I told you, I'm not a big fan of her.) We will make two of them on our nails, shall we?!

我有個Hello Kitty的隱形眼鏡盒,我不知道那隻熊是誰,她的朋友嗎?(說過我不是很死忠Hello Kitty的),我們就讓她們一起出現在我們的指甲上吧!

Apply white polish as base color.


Make 5 dots on the top right as a guide line for the bow.


The edges are smooth and round.


Draw two ovals about the middle of the nail.


Draw yellow nose and 3 lines each side, then here is Hello Kitty.

畫上黃色的橢圓形當作鼻子和各三條線在兩側,我們就得到了Hello Kitty了。

Lets make the bear who is super easy to do. Apply light brown as base color, here I used OPI A-Taupe The Space Needle (T24).

讓我們來做超級簡單的熊。搽上淺咖啡色當底色,這裡我使用OPI A-Taupe The Space Needle (T24)。

Draw a oval on the center.


Draw a "w" underneath and two ovals on each up side, then it's done!


Hope you like this super easy nail art tutorial, and give it a try!!



  1. 哈~沒發現啦!改了改了!
