There are two boxes in this kit, one is LED lamp and the other is everything else. The LED lamp actually much smaller than I thought and very light weight, which is good for carry around if needed.
It has 10, 20, and 30 second timer, for ORLY GelFx, it needs to be cure for 30 seconds each coat, so it is kind of pointless to have 10 and 20 seconds timer, but if you like to use on other brands' products, it may be useful. It also has 5 arrow lights show how much time left.
它有10秒、20秒、和30秒的按鈕,ORLY GelFx每一層都需要30秒,所以對他來說有點不必要設有10和20秒,但如果想要使用其他牌子的產品的話,也就可以使用了。它還有5個箭頭的燈讓你知道還有多少時間完成。
The panel can be removed to cure toe nails, and for clean and sanitize.
It also includes 240x nail wipes, 100x remover wraps, and 50x table covers.
The nail wipes are pretty similar to what I am using.
HandsDown's one (left) is softer and thiner, the Orly's one seems stronger. I love these wipe, there are so easy to use!
< left: HandsDown ; right: Orly >
I want to try the remover wraps so bad! I have CND's but I never used them, because it's quite difficult to use by myself, and the cotton pad is huge that almost cover 1/3 of my finger!! Orly's wrap is made by foil, just like the old fashion foil wraps. I will give it a try when I need to take off my gel nails.
<left: CND ; right: Orly>
< CND >
< Orly >
There's one thing that caught my eye, the DRY brush. From the instruction, it's used after base coat, to brush through the nail surface, kind of take off the excess, which is different to other brands that I used.
組合裡有一個很有去的東西:Dry brush,從說明上看來在底膠之後,有點像是去除多餘的凝膠,和其我用過的他牌子很不同。
The cuticle pusher is very very similar OPI's PusherGuard sensitive cuticle pusher.
甘皮推除棒和OPI's PusherGuard給敏感指緣用的非常類似。
< top: OPI ; bottom: Orly >
Orly's one is bigger and sharper compare to OPI's one, which is designed for sensitive cuticle and student use. Using Orly's pusher is easier to clean up cuticle, but also easy to hurt cuticle, needs to be careful.
< left: OPI ; right: Orly >
So, here comes the fun part, no, wait.... these are just primer, base coat, and top coat. I always apply primer on the entire nail surface, but according to Orly, you only need to put the primer on the tip of nails, which is new to me.
好玩的部份來了,喔~等等...這裡是primer (我不知道中文叫這個什麼?平衡液?底膠?)、底膠和封膠。 我之前都是把primer擦整個指甲,但根據Orly,只需要擦在指尖上,對我來說頗新鮮的。
Ok, now the fun part comes. There are 12 colors in this kit, each one has 0.3fl oz/ 9ml. The color range is pretty good, you have sort of nude, light color, some bright, neon pink and red, and also some dark colors. There are total 32 colors from GelFx now, same as OPI, they put their famous nail polish colors into gel, so you can have your favorite color for longer lasting, shinier, and stronger gel nail.
好了,好玩的部份真的來了。這組合裡共有12個顏色,每個顏色有0.3fl oz/ 9ml。你擁有從自然的裸色、亮色系或螢光粉紅、和一些深色。GelFx目前出了32個顏色,和OPI一樣,他們把熱銷的顏色作成了凝膠產品,所以你可以擁有你喜愛的顏色更持久、更閃亮。
The bottle is thin and tall, bigger than Shellac (0.25fl oz/ 7.3ml) , but smaller than Gelish (0.5fl oz/15ml) . I like GelFx's bottle the most, the handle of brush (lid?) is super easy to work with, but because the bottle is thin and hold good amount of product, the gel is almost reach the rim. There is much more than you need product every time take out the brush from the bottle, so need to be aware. The consistency is pretty liquid.
The brush is average between Shellac and Gelish.
<Shellac, GelFx, and Gelish>
Color swatches: Two coats for each color.
White Tip
Pink Nude
Kiss The Bride
Bare Rose (transparent pink)
Oh Cabana Boy (super duper neon pink, for some reason the camera couldn't get the right color.)
Pink Chocolate
Haute Red
Prince Charming
Plum Noir
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