November 5, 2011

3 of OPI The Muppets collection

<from L to R>
Designer... De Better! (C07)
Rainbow Connection (C09)
Divine Swine (C13)

I got the 3 of OPI The Muppets collection polishes. This collection is so fun! The movie " The Muppets" will be in the theaters on Thanksgiving. Many company release their corporation with this movie. OPI launched 12 colors, 6 glitters colors are all awesome! I wanna get them all, but I'm pretty controlled!!  I'm so glad the display from OPI finally get some true color (or much similar color) to the really ones this time! They were always untreatable images before!

As always, I am gonna be working on the reviews of these, but I'll try to finish butter London's Big Smoke first!

我今天買了三瓶OPI The Muppets系列的指甲油,這個系列都很有趣!「The Muppets」這部電影將在今年感恩節上映,很多公司也出了和他們合作的系列產品。OPI這個系列共有12瓶,有六瓶亮片指甲油,都超酷的!我好想全部帶回家,可是我還蠻有自制力的!我很開心這次OPI的形象廣告和擺飾終於有終於原色(或是比較接近原色),以往他們的色差都超大,根本不能參考!

一如往常的我會寫心得,但我會先把欠著的butter London的Big Smoke寫完先!

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