November 6, 2011

OPI - Designer... De Better (C07)


I love love love this color!! It's may be my favorite purchased lately! It's metallic champagne with orange micro glitters or shimmer. It almost looks like foil on nails, super smooth, super shiny.

It's very easy to apply, don't need any skill, everyone can do a good job with this. It's just like liquid metal when you apply it. The color payoff is great! One coat can be done.

我超超超愛這個顏色的! 他可能是我近期最喜歡的購買!他有細微橘色亮粉的金屬光澤香檳色,在指甲上看起來就像是金箔般非常平滑、閃亮。

I didn't find it's pretty similar to Orly's Rage when I bought it, but after I finished apply on my nails, I did notice they are very similar. I don't have Rage in polish but gel, and I am actually not happy with the finish with gel, 'cause it's not as foil like shiny as I want. Rage in gel version do not have the foil finish, I was thinking to get the polish version instead. Now I am glad I did not! OPI Designer... De Better actually has the foil, metallic finish I want, and I like the color even better. Designer... De Better  is more silvery champagne when Rage is more gold. For some reason, gold isn't look great on me.

我買的時候沒有發現他很像Orly的Rage,但當我擦在指甲上後卻發現他們很相似。我沒有指甲油版本的Rage但有凝膠版的,其實我並不喜歡凝膠版的表現,他沒有我想要那種金箔感的光澤,我幾乎想要去買指甲油版的了,但很開心我並沒有這麼做,因為OPI的 Designer... De Better (C07)就有那種我想要的金箔金屬般的表現,而且我更喜歡這個顏色勝於Rage!OPI的 Designer... De Better (C07)比較偏向銀香賓色,Rage比較偏金色,而金色其實並不適合我的膚色。

L: OPI Designer... De Better (Co7)
R: ORLY Rage

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