October 25, 2011

Rilakkuma Nail Art/拉拉(懶)熊指甲彩繪/リラックマ ネイルアート

Rilakkuma is so big in Asia these years! He is super cute, omg!! He and his sister (I believe, please correct me), Korilakkuma are everywhere, my friends are all crazy about them! I did this for my dearest friend, Gina. Hope you like it, miss you <3 (If you don't know Rilakkuma...where have you been? jk! please visit their official blog here! )
They are as easy as Hello Kitty's friend (<-click for tutorial), bears are easy, uhh? haha! Let's make this super duper cute nails now!

拉拉熊/懶懶熊真的是超火紅的這幾年在亞洲!他真的超級可愛!他和他的妹妹(我蠻確定的,但請指正我)真的是到處出現,我超多朋友都抄愛她們的!我做這個彩繪送給我親愛的朋友:阿婆同學!希望妳會喜歡~想你喔<3 (如果你不認識拉拉熊/懶懶熊...怎麼可能?開玩笑的!請參考她們的官方部落格)
他們很簡單做就像Hello Kitty的熊朋友一樣(<-點他去他的教學),熊類得都很簡單呴?哈哈!就讓我們開始做這超級可愛的指甲彩繪吧!

Apply light brown polish as base, here I used OPI A-Taupe The Space Needle (T24).

搽上淺咖啡色當底色,這裡我用 OPI A-Taupe The Space Needle (T24)。

Use white to draw a sort of oval shape at the center, try to draw the bottom part more straight.


For some reason, this picture looks mate....

Draw to dots, between round and oval, on the each side above the white oval.


Draw a dot and a "^" shape underneath, Apply top coat and done!

在白色橢圓形上畫上一個點,在下面畫上"^",在搽上top coat就完成了!

See, they are different! Which one you prefer?


Repeat the same process to make Korilakkuma, then draw a red dot at the bottom.


Make 4 tiny dot on the red dot to create a button, apply top coat, then done!

在紅點上畫上四個小小白點,讓他變成紐扣,搽上top coat,就完成了!

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