September 23, 2011

Nail Polish for Fall 2011

I saw many people were doing their "polish for fall," and I think it's interesting and helpful; also, when I did my recent new polishes review, I said those color are nice for fall. Today, I'm gonna pick some color that in my collection and I think they are perfect for wearing in fall!


  • Taupe / 灰褐色
Taupe is always super wearable and a good color for all skin tone, in fall particularly it looks even nicer and elegant.


<left to right>
OPI You Don't Know Jacques! (F15)
NARS Bad Influence
Sephora By OPI Under My French Coat

  • Red Wine / 酒紅色
Red nail is many people all time favorite, in fall, we can choose darker red, such as red wine, burgundy, or ruby.


<left to right>
OPI Malaga Wine (L87) 
OPI Royal Rajah Ruby (I52)
OPI The One That Got Away (K08)
(for some reason, Malaga Wine looks brighter in picture, it's deeper in fact!)
(Malaga Wine照片中比實際上看起來亮一些,實際上比較暗沉)

  • Other / 其他
I also chose some colors that not in particular category, but I think they look flirty in fall.


  • OPI My Private Jet (B59) - Bronzy base is definitely full color, microgillter brighten it up, makes it more interesting.
  • OPI Here Today...Aragon Tomorrow (E48) - dark muddy green, almost black, is not too dark as winter color, just like the leaves turn dark and going to turn brown.
  • OPI INK Suede B61 - any suede, mate finish is going to be nice in fall, especially purplish blue.
  • OPI Louver Me Louver Me Not (F13) - pinkish purple brings a bit of brightness, for more fun in fall.   

    There are lots other colors will look nice in full, here just some colors in my collection that I will wear in fall. Hopefully it's helpful!


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