September 28, 2011

Soak off my Gelish nail

I've been wear Gelish gel nail for 3 weeks, it's in pretty good condition, no lifting and only chipped a tiny bit. (but I did work a lot and lots of chores) I am very impressed

我的指甲用Gelish凝膠已經三個星期了,都保持很好的狀態,沒有脫落,也只有一丁點脫漆(?我不知道中文要怎麼說 :P)(但是我做工作和很多家事) 我很驚艷!

<1 day/ 第一天>

<7 days/ 第七天>

<14 days/ 第14天>

<21 days/ 第21天>
<only two tips chipped a tiny bit/ 只有指尖掉了一點點>

Since I was gonna take them off, I thought why not show you how I soak them off! You can also do this at home if you don't wanna get it done by professional, it's very easy!


You need: 100% Pure Acetone / Cotton ball or pad / Aluminum foil (cut into small pieces) / Files / Cuticle oil / Cuticle pusher or orangewood stick.

你需要:純丙酮 / 棉花或化妝棉 / 鋁薄紙(裁成適合大小)/ 磨刀 / 指緣油 / 推棒

I like to file the surface a little, don't file too much, otherwise, you don't need to soak them off, right? I feel like they get soaked easier if they've been filed. This is optional, it's need to be done if soak acrylic nails, but for gel, you don't need to. Be careful don't file your natural nails! 


Then, this is also optional, I like to put some cuticle oil on the cuticles, cause my skin is very dry and pure acetone tend to make it more dry.


Soak cotton balls or cotton pads with pure acetone, put on nails and wrap them with aluminum foil. Then wait 15 minutes. (may be different by products.)


After 15 minutes, I like to twisted the wraps then took them off. The gels polishes are almost gone! I found that I need to wait more longer because the OPI base gels are still not been soak yet! In the pictures below, the shinny parts were OPI base gels!


Then gently push all the excess gel off using cuticle pusher or oreangewood stick. It should be very easy to clean up. Finally, I use smoother(very high grit file) buffed out the surface, then massaged with cuticle oil. 


You can see the nails still be in very good condition after take off gels. My tips are slightly thin because I buffed a lot before, but I filed them down anyway (I prefer short nails). 
Overall, I found Gelish gel is super easy to be soaked, when I done with all the wrapping with my left hand, and was doing my right thumb, the left thumb already looked like the picture above! I used to soak OPI's like 30 minutes, and still need to push them off a lot, but for Gelish, they were almost all gone when I took off the wraps! Next time I will try to use Gelish base gel and top seal, to see how they work! 


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