September 19, 2011

OPI - French Quarter For Your Thoughts (T26)

From OPI's fall 2011 collection, Touring America, I like this collection very much! There are 12 colors represent 12 cities in the US. The display of the collection is fun and unique, especially they worked hard on photo shoot and video for this collection! Please visit OPI website, you will be amazed! This collection has all colors you need for fall, they do have brighter color in this collection, but with a hit of muddy milky tone, create the unique, different to usual's colors!

這是OPI 2011年秋季 「Touring America」系列中的一色,我很喜歡這個系列!共有12個顏色各代表了12個美國的城市。它的店內擺飾很特別也很有去,尤其是他們花了很多的心思在這個系列的宣傳照片和影片上,請到OPI官網看看!在這個系列裡有所有你可能會需要的顏色適合在秋季裡,他們是有比較幾個亮色,但因為都帶點泥濘乳白的感覺,反而創造了獨特和以往不同的顏色!

French Quarter For Your Thoughts is light milky gray with slightly purple undertone when the other similar color also from this collection, Suzi Takes The Wheels, has more green undertone and darker. I think if you have warmer skin tone, choose this color; if you have cooler skin tone, then Suzi Takes The Wheels will be nice.

French Quarter For Your Thoughts (T26)是帶有些為紫色基色的乳灰色,而這系列另一個相似的顏色Suzi Takes The Wheels (T33)是帶墨綠的基色,並且比較深一點。我認為如果你的膚色偏暖色,選擇這個顏色,若你的膚色比較冷色系,Suzi Takes The Wheels (T33)則會很不錯!

This color will be nice on fair to dark skin! The warmer undertone makes it more wearable! Hope you give it a try!

這個顏色無論你膚色深淺都會很適合! 它暖色的基底色讓它變得更容易搭配不突兀!希望你可以試試看!

I think I'd like to get more color from this collection if I don't have too many nail polishes!! lol


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